Friday October 23rd, 2020 Update:
There are 570 New Cases in New York City.
Small Businesses Affected
When the pandemic eventually subsides, roughly one-third of the city’s 240,000 small businesses may never reopen, according to a report by the Partnership for New York City, an influential business group. So far, those businesses have shed 520,000 jobs.
While New York is home to more Fortune 500 headquarters than any city in the country, small businesses are the city’s backbone. They represent roughly 98 percent of the employers in the city and provide jobs to more than 3 million people, which is about half of its work force, according to the city.
The Bronx, by the numbers:
The Bronx has the poorest congressional district in the country. The 15th Congressional District, as it is more commonly known, the South Bronx.
Median income of $36,530 compared to avg income of NYC resident: $57,782
Average income of the bottom 99% in the Bronx: $28,714
Bronx residents (and even more disparagingly in the South) suffer from the highest rates of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, asthma, HIV/AIDS, and infant mortality.
New York ranks #1 of the 50 states in income inequality, based on the ratio of top 1% to bottom 99% income.
The New York-Newark-Jersey City metro area is the most unequal metro area in New York.
The top 1% make 39.4 times more than the bottom 99%.
Average income of the top 1%: $2,425,384.
Average income of the bottom 99%: $61,550.
Studies have found That Bronx Residents are Twice as Likely to Die From COVID-19 in NYC
Health officials have stated the reasoning behind this is due to the high rate of prexisting conditions in the borough itself, including asthma, hypertension, and diabetes. The borough ranks last among New York State’s 62 counties in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s survey of health outcomes, including premature death. These are pre-pandemic figures— it only is exasperated when the disease is factored into account.
Source: May 12 NYPD Release
Policing in the Pandemic:
Recent NYPD Stats have revealed that 93 of COVID-19 Arrests were people of color. In the Bronx? 46 out of 46 arrests were people of color.
Cases, Hospitalizations, and Deaths
As of August 10th, 2020, New York City has had 233,000 Confirmed Cases, with 23,586 Deaths. Below are the cases, hospitalization, and death rates per thousand people by borough. (Source)